
Solutions - Do you want to
expand your service to another area but
can not because of E911 issues? Are
you constantly having an issue getting
your address to match the rate center
info? Are you having issues with address
mismatch and loosing sales because of
it? If you answered "YES" to any of these
questions, e911Move is the solution.
911Move enables VoIP local service providers
to quickly and efficiently provide FCC
mandated E911 Automatic Location Information
changes and E911 connectivity to their
customers. The e911Move process is straightforward
and elegant. e911Move enables VoIP providers
to meet the requirements of the FCC mandate
as it relates to making changes to the
ALI when your customers make CPE equipment
location changes. In addition, e911Move
can provide efficient and accurate e911
service to your customers.
How our solution differs from others..
Most e911
providers utilize a rate center
and/or Master Service Address Guide
(MSAG) database that contains a
large amount of incorrect information.
Our solution uses geocode information
to identify the correct address
verification and is 100% accurate.
providers rely on the accuracy
of the rate center and MSAG data
to verify address and location
information, a large amount of
address mismatches and extra work
is required of the provider. Since
our solution uses geocode and not
rate center information, accuracy
is 100% and the burden of extra
work by the provider is eliminated.
Once verified we
know the exact location of each address
and thus can be 100% sure that the
PSAP selected for that address is the
PSAP where the location resides.
mismatches are eliminated, you
are assured that the customer ALI
address change is correct. With
our total
solution, 911 calls will be delivered
to the correct PSAP.
Our system does not
require expensive 911 trunking or a direct
connection to the tandem or rate center.
We provide connectivity using SIP to
SIP transfer using our SIP Gateway.
When your
soft-switch recognizes an IP change
during the configuration process,
the caller is prompted to verify
if an address change has been made.
The caller would then be delivered
to our call center operator
to take the new ALI address and
provide positive verification from
the customer.
With our
total solution, if a 911 call is
made, calls are then delivered
to the correct PSAP where PSAP
personnel use the displayed ANI
and ALI to know how to respond
(i.e., dispatch the police, fire
department, ambulance, etc. to
the correct location).
To get more information on our
solutions, Click